Frequently Asked Questions

Zeepay Mobile Money (16)

1. What is Zeepay mobile money/wallet?
2. How do I get a Zeepay wallet?
3. Do I need to buy a new sim to register for Zeepay Mobile Money?
4. How does Zeepay mobile money/ Wallet work?
5. How safe is Zeepay mobile money?
6. What are the benefits of a Zeepay mobile wallet?
7. How do I load money into my Zeepay mobile money wallet
8. Who can I send money to?
9. What happens when I send money into a wrong Zeepay wallet?
10. How do I access the fund in my Zeepay wallet?
11. How much does it cost to have a Zeepay wallet?
12. What do I need to get a Zeepay wallet?
13. Why do I need to provide a photo ID?
14. What do I do if I lose my sim or mobile phone?
15. Can I send money to someone who is not registered on Zeepay mobile money?
15. Do I need to have a bank account to use Zeepay mobile money?
16.Can I access the service from anywhere in the world?
17. Can someone withdraw money from my account on my behalf?
18. Are there any limits to my transactions?


1. What is a mobile money wallet reversal?
A mobile wallet reversal occurs when funds terminated into a mobile wallet is returned to the initiator
2. What are the circumstances by which a reversal takes place?
3. What are the procedures and timelines for reversals?
4. What is a cash pickup cancellation?
5. What happens when a wrong recipient cashes out funds?

Cash Pick-up (receiving) (8)

1. What information do I need to pick up money that was sent to me?
2. What do I do when I get to the bank to pick up funds?
3. Do I need any identification to redeem funds?
4. How can I find an agent location to pick up money that was sent to me?
In Ghana all Access bank branches are available for the service. The beneficiary may also call the service number quoted in the Zeepay SMS they receive for further assistance
5. What are the currency options when receiving money?
The only currency available is in Ghana cedis
6. Do I have to pay any money to redeem my remittance?
No. Redeeming remittance is free of charge, you get the exact amount that was sent
7. Why was I denied funds at the pickup location?
The most common reasons for being denied funds are:
● You did not have acceptable form of identification.
● You did not visit a Zeepay agent location.
● The name the sender used on the transaction does not match the name on the beneficiary’s ID eg:
Name on transaction- Ama Konadu
Name on beneficiary ID card – Ama Konadu Boateng
8. Must the beneficiary name on the transaction match the name on my ID?
Absolutely! For a memorable experience we advise that the sender uses the exact names on the beneficiary’s ID card so as not to cause any delays or rejections at the bank. For any other question kindly contact us on 0308249000 / 0308249001

MoneyGram Cash Pick up 11

1. Can I collect cash sent to me into my wallet without going to the bank?
With MoneyGram Directed Receive powered by Zeepay, you absolutely can. .
2. What do I need in order to convert my MoneyGram cash pick into my Zeepay mobile money wallet?
3. How do I convert my MoneyGram cash pick up transaction into my mobile money wallet?n
4. Will I be charged to redeem my cash pick up transaction into my wallet?
5. How soon after my sender sends the transfer can I redeem it into my wallet?
6. What is the ‘MoneyGram to Wallet’ option on my Zeepay mobile money menu for?
7. How much of my MoneyGram cash pick up transaction can I put into my Zeepay mobile money wallet?
8. Can the limits on my Zeepay wallet affect redemption of my MoneyGram cash pick up transaction?
9. What is the balance limit of my Zeepay Wallet?
10. How do I update my KYC information to complete my transfer into my Zeepay wallet?
11. How many times can I use my MoneyGram reference number?